Apexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in Salzburg


A sudden onset of neurological incidence might indicate a neurological emergency. Therefore we strongly recommend visiting the emergency room of the nearest hospital.

Phone number: 144

Only in a hospital the neccessary diagnostics – especially concerning imaging – are available.

Do not lose time, because: „Time is brain!“

Another recommendation: Always take a list with yourself with essential medical information:
–  Previous diseases
–  Medication
–  Allergies

It helps saving time!

Stroke – diagnostics and therapy

This video mentally plays through the process when a stroke occurs. It is important to recognize the emergency situation, not to lose time and to call the emergency physician for transport to a hospital. Special therapeutic procedures may be used early in the treatment pathway. Then exact diagnostics of the causes and corresponding therapy are important. On a stroke unit, these things go hand in hand, including the initial rehabilitative steps.