Apexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in Salzburg


A sudden onset of neurological incidence might indicate a neurological emergency. Therefore we strongly recommend visiting the emergency room of the nearest hospital.

Phone number: 144

Only in a hospital the neccessary diagnostics – especially concerning imaging – are available.

Do not lose time, because: „Time is brain!“

Another recommendation: Always take a list with yourself with essential medical information:
–  Previous diseases
–  Medication
–  Allergies

It helps saving time!

Parkinson 2

The second Parkinson’s article deals with the diagnosis. In addition to anamnesis and neurological examination, a simple CT scan of the head and a blood sample can be taken to rule out Wilson’s disease. A treatment attempt with Madopar is not uncommon. There are some early symptoms, but the transition to Parkinson’s disease is not certain, so this circumstance is communicated with caution to avoid unnecessary worries. Further diagnostics also include the DaT-SPECT examination and brain parenchymal sonography.