Apexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in SalzburgApexmed® - Dr. Dr. Christian Porsche, Neurologe in Salzburg


A sudden onset of neurological incidence might indicate a neurological emergency. Therefore we strongly recommend visiting the emergency room of the nearest hospital.

Phone number: 144

Only in a hospital the neccessary diagnostics – especially concerning imaging – are available.

Do not lose time, because: „Time is brain!“

Another recommendation: Always take a list with yourself with essential medical information:
–  Previous diseases
–  Medication
–  Allergies

It helps saving time!


The fear of dementia is very widespread from a certain age and is usually triggered by forgetfulness in everyday life. The video describes alternative reasons for forgetfulness, such as depression (= pseudodementia), as well as clinical differences in the various cerebral damage patterns (cortical vs. subcortical damage). The diagnosis of dementia is a specialist assessment with the help of additional diagnostics. In the article, the essential diagnostic components, consisting of anamnesis, external anamnesis, neuropsychological testing and head imaging as well as the current status of therapy options for dementia are explained. In the context of diagnostics, an unfounded concern can sometimes be eliminated or alternative diseases can be revealed, which may be easily treatable. My personal assessment of how to deal with the onset of dementia symptoms in retirement age round off the lecture. Of course, a video cannot replace a visit to the doctor and individual advice.