A sudden onset of neurological incidence might indicate a neurological emergency. Therefore we strongly recommend visiting the emergency room of the nearest hospital.
Phone number: 144
Only in a hospital the neccessary diagnostics – especially concerning imaging – are available.
Do not lose time, because: „Time is brain!“
Another recommendation: Always take a list with yourself with essential medical information: – Previous diseases – Medication – Allergies
It helps saving time!
Private Practice – Ordination Apexmed
Team of the neurology practice Salzburg
Apexmed is a “Wahlarzt-Ordination” (private practice) for neurology in Salzburg.
Being a private practice means that we do not have direct contracts with health insurance companies. Accordingly, you are asked to pay your medical fees directly to us and then submit our bill to your health insurance for refunding.
Please note that a general health insurance usually does not refund 100% of the private practice fees. Private specialists want to dedicate more time to their patients than most physicians are able to. Thus, their extra services are slightly more expensive.
The APEXMED team consists of the individuals pictured here. Since the end of 2022, it has been reinforced by Ms. Carina Schwaiger (center).
Carina Schwaiger
Secretary & Doctor’s Assistant Reception, support, correspondence and accounting
Conny Ottino
Certified health nurse (DGKS) Care and EEG assistance
of Christian Porsche MD PhD
Medical studies at Free University and Humboldt University both in Berlin, Germany Work experience in South Africa, the USA and England. 05/2002 Doctorate (MD – Dr. med.) on: “Telomerase activity in malignant and benign renal tumours”
2001 – 2006
Member of an MD/PhD programme in Würzburg, Germany Biology studies and medical licence 2003 – 2006 Research in a neurobiological lab 03/2007 Doctorate (PhD – Dr. rer. nat.) on: “Neuronal plasticity in hippocampus of mice: The role of neurotrophins and cytokins”
Education for specialisation in neurology 2007 – 2010 Medical doctor at the department of neurology at the University in Würzburg and Erlangen, both Germany 2010 – 2011 Medical doctor in a teaching practice for neurology of Dr. Bernd Pommer in Zell am See, Austria 2011 – 2012 Medical doctor at the department of neurology at the Christian-Doppler-Klinik in Salzburg and at the department of internal medicine of the hospital in Hallein, Austria 04/2013 Specialist registrar for neurology
2013 – 2018
Specialist for neurology at the department of neurology at the Christian-Doppler-Klinik in Salzburg, Austria Optimising the diagnostic fields: Electroencephalography (EEG) Electroneurography (ENG) and Electromyography (EMG) Doppler-/Duplexsonography
from 2015
Ordination “APEXMED”
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Alternative dates are possible. Telephone agreement required.
Information for patients
First of all: In the case of “acute” neurological complaints that have suddenly appeared, this is one emergency ! Immediate transfer to the hospital is indicated!
Consider us as your advisor regarding your personal health with special attention to psychological and social interactions. “Advisor” means: Your health and well-being is as much our goal as it is yours and – as it is your body – you have to take the active role in implementing treatment and therapy.
To do so, it always helps to have information on the main functions of your body. We would be happy to inform you personally on relevant topics and can recommend adequate literature.
Additionally, you have the possibility to join our free information events, which will cover various neurological topics.
You can also get a first impression of the various symptoms and diagnoses at home with our information videos.
Who doesn’t know: MO-vember is a compound word from “Moustache” and “November”.
The campaign comes from Australia, is very successful worldwide and aims to draw attention to the topic of “health care” by growing a mustache in November. When it was founded in Adelaide in 1999, the specific goal was to encourage older men to take precautionary measures to prevent prostate cancer.
Personally, I’ve been growing a Mustache every November since 2012, but the topics vary every year. So it is more interesting and women also have a greater share in the action – as experience shows that “growing a beard” is usually more difficult for them than it is for us men.
There is also an explanatory video … each with a suitable “Movember lecture” … and the voluntary opportunity to donate to a good cause.
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