Welcome to the Apexmed homepage
Your neurology practice in Salzburg
Apexmed is your private practice and future first address in case of neurological complaints.
We are your neurologist in Salzburg in and we offer a broad range of advisory and diagnostic services. On these pages we would like to give you an impression of the training and values of our ordination team in advance and at the same time invite you to our regularly held Information events.
Or browse through our increasingly growing “MEDIA”, in which we have prepared and compiled videos, audio sequences and print articles for your information.
Information for patients
A sudden onset of neurological incidence might indicate a neurological emergency. Therefore, we strongly recommend visiting the emergency room of the nearest hospital immediately. Consider us as your advisor regarding your personal health with special attention to psychological and social interactions.
“Advisor” means: Your health and well-being is as much our goal as it is yours and – as it is your body – you have to take the active role in implementing treatment and therapy. To do so, it always helps to have information on the main functions of your body. We would be happy to inform you personally on relevant topics and can recommend adequate literature.
Caution: Sudden, acute neurological complaints are to be assessed as emergencies. Go to the nearest hospital immediately!